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How to speed up Laptop & Computer Easy Way


How to speed up Laptop & Computer

When we are in our urgent task and our laptop and computer do not support us to go through that, it just gets lagging and wait us long. even if we open some application it takes a long time, in that case, we plan to replace our laptop and computer but what about if you have idea regarding How to speed up Laptop if you do some of the simple tasks am sure you will be amazed to see the speed of your laptop or PC. 

there are multiple processes to go through the process of 
How to speed up Laptop but obviously, the process is not so complicated and time consuming it is simple and takes minimal time. let's begin our process

Step 1 - Delete all temporary files from your computer

As long as you keep on going using your laptop it gets the more accumulated temporary file and obviously, the temporary file makes the memory full of the disk and ram both so it will slow down the speed of the laptop. so just you need to delete all temporary file following just easy process as advised to speed up Laptop

Run>temp >select all file inside temp and press shift+Del

Run>%temp% >select all file inside temp and press shift+Del

Even after doing this talk you will feel the difference in speed of your laptop. but wait till you have some more process to go through with

Step 2 - Scan disk for error and bad sector

Due to not arranged cluster and error on your disk may lead your laptop to perform slow. so you can just fix it buy simple process

Right click on your disk where is operating system is installed.

Properties>Tools> check both boxes if appear and click on the check

Step 3 - Disk Defragmen

Some file on your disk fragment its file content to multiple clusters of your disk so Due to unarranged cluster and file location your disk it takes a long time to recollect your file portion and may lead your laptop to perform slow. so you can just fix it buy simple process

Right click on your disk where is operating system is installed.

Properties>Tools> go to optimize and defragment option

click on optimize and check the all disk one by one and click optimize.

Step 4 - Install Ccleaner apps

Ccleaner is an amazing app available in free version also. This software is especially for boosting up laptop speed. there are several options available to boost up your laptop speed. the first thing you need to delete and clear all tempory file by the help of cleaner. as soon as you open CCleaner on front window option is highlighted your check the file from which you want to clear temporary file and click on run cleaner. even after doing this single task you will feel an amazing difference in your laptop speed compared to earlier. besides that, you can install software repair registry error this software.

Step 5 - Disable startup application

When your window loads meanwhile many application loads together. So you need to disable it if you are wondering about How to speed up Laptop . just do follow the simple steps below

Run command> msconfig>startup > select file that is enabled with startup option tick it and disable it.

Step 6 - Uninstall the unused app and disk and memory status check